Dyma fel y deallwn ni y Ddeddf newydd Trwyddedu Adloniant ar hyn o bryd [12/02/04]

u Mae pob Clwb Gwerin yn awr ag angen trwydded. Nid oes modd dianc bellach trwy alw ein hunain yn glybiau aelodaeth preifat.
u Sesiynnau cerddoriaeth gwerin rheolaidd, neu rai wedi eu hysnbysebu, ag angen trwydded. [Dyna realiti ar hyn o bryd - ond yn awr nid oes posib diystyrru'r angen am drwydded.]
u Nid oes eithriad bellach i ddau-yn-y-bar i berfformio heb drwydded
u Efallai y bydd yn haws i dderbyn trwydded i berfformiadau 'byw'. Gwrthodwyd hepgor yr angen am drwydded am berfformiadau byw.
u Ni fydd angen trwydded am berfformiad mewn man cyhoeddus o addoliad neu arddwest.
u Nid oes angen trwydded i ddawns Morris neu ei debyg nac i unrhyw gerddoriaeth 'byw' sy'n berthnasol i'r ddawns.
D.S. Mae trefnwyr gwyliau gwerin sy HEB geisio am drwydded yn agored i'w herlyn fel troseddwyr dan y Ddeddf Drwyddedu.

This is how we currently interpret the new Licencing Act [12/02/04]

u All folk clubs will now need to be licensed (up until now, some have
been able to escape licensing by being private members clubs - an option
which is now closed).
u Regular and/or advertised folk music and song sessions will need to
be licensed (they are already technically licensable, but the new legislation could make it much harder for licensing authorities to turn a blind eye in the name of common-sense).
u The two-in-a-bar exemption, which to date has allowed performances
by one or two musicians to escape licensing, will be removed.
u Obtaining a license for unamplified music and song events may become
easier. The Government rejected any suggestion of an outright
exemption for unamplified music.
u Any folk arts which take place in a public place of religious
worship or a garden fete will be exempt from licensing.
u Morris dancing or anything similar, plus any unamplified live music that is 'integral' to the performance, will be completely exempt from licensing.
N.B. Organisers of licensable folk arts events, who have not sought to
ensure they have the correct license, will be criminally liable under the
Licensing Act.