Cymdeithas Ddawns Werin Cymru
Welsh Folk Dance Society
Cysylltiadau Eraill - Links to Other Sites



Chwaer Gymdeithasau Traddodiadol Traditional Societies
Grwpiau Dawns CDdWC WFDS Dance Groups
Y Fari Lwyd The Mari Lwyd
Gwisgoedd Costume
Dolenni cyffredinol - Cymru General links - Wales
Dolenni cyffredinol - 
gweddill y Byd
General links - 
the rest of the World









Chwaer Gymdeithasau Traddodiadol Traditional Societies

Cymdeithas Offerynnau Traddodiadol Cymru

 Dewi Roberts, Cwrtiau, Abergwyngregyn, Gwynedd 
LL33 0LB

Cymdeithas Cerdd Dant Cymru

Dewi Jones, Bryn Medrad, Llangwm, Corwen LL21 0RA

Cymdeithas Alawon Gwerin Cymru

Buddug Lloyd Roberts, Hafan, Cricieth, Gwynedd

Cymdeithas Gwenynen Gwent  Helen Foder
Safweoedd Grwpiau Dawns cysylltiedig � CDdWC 
[Rhagor o grwpiau ar gael YMA]
Websites of Dance Groups who are members of WFDS 
[More groups HERE]
Dawnswyr M�n Dawnswyr Ffidl Ffadl
Dawnswyr Delyn Dawnswyr Pontypwl
Gwerinwyr Gwent Cwmni Dawns Werin Caerdydd
Dawnswyr Penyfai Dawnswyr Llanarthne
Tipyn o Bopeth Parti Dawns Aelwyd Aberystwyth


Y Fari Lwyd The Mari Lwyd

Diolch! images/Marilwyd.jpg Thanks!

Traddodiad y Fari Lwyd.
Rhagor o wybodaeth ynghylch traddodiad y Fari Lwyd i'w cael o'r safweoedd allanol hyn. Cywir 01/12/03
The Mari Lwyd tradition. 
More information about the Marti Lwyd is to be found from these external websites. Current 01/12/03

C=Cymraeg E=English C/E=Dwyieithog/Bilingual

Traddodiad ardal Llantrisant, geiriau'r caneuon o'r ardal honno. S The Llantrisant tradition, verses from that area of s. Wales. S
Traddodiad ardal Llangynwyd, geiriau'r caneuon o'r ardal honno. S The Llangynwyd tradition, verses from that area of s. Wales. S
Erthygl o Taplas yn dilyn ymddangosiad y Fari Yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Caerdydd, Pencoed 1998 S An article from Taplas following Mari Lwyd's unseasonal appearance at the National Eisteddfod of 1998 @ Pencoed, Cardiff S
Cyfeiriadau cyffredinol at Fari Lwyd o ardaloedd eraill o Gymru S General references to Mari Lwyd from other areas of Wales S
Emma Lyle yn siarad gyda Colin Davies ar raglen Catchphrase y BBC S Emma Lyle (Museum of Welsh Life) tells Colin Davies (BBC Catchphrase 2002 Audio file)
Y fari Lwyd a chelfyddyd fodern S Mari and modern art S
Casglu'r Tlysau Darlun a thestun ynghylch y Fari Lwyd C Gathering the Jewels' picture and text re. Mari Lwyd S
Gwybodaeth gefndirol o Sain Ffagan C Background information from The Welsh Folk Museum S
Rhan o safwe sy'n cynnig recordiadau yn ymwneud a'r arferiad. Cyfeiriadau @ ymchwil pellach S Part of offering recordings relating to the Mari Footnote references to further research S
Disgrifiad o ymweliad y Fari fodern a Llantrisant S Account of a modern Mari's appearance at Llantrisant S
Darluniau o ymddangosiad y Fari yng Nghaerleon, Gwent S Photographs of Mari at Caerleon, Gwent S
Safwe OurWorld Cyfeiriadau at sawl ymddangosiad o'r Fari yng nghymru yn ogystal a'r cyd-destun eangach. "Serch hynny, gresyn" ;-) fod ambell ddolen wedi torri. S OurWorld website. References to several appearances at other Welsh locations. Unfortunately several broken links S
Ffeiliau sain i'w lawrlwytho, yn S o safwe IonaMusic  S Sound files for downloading from IonaMusic S
Safwe tudalen o gerddoriaeth i'w lawrlwytho S's page of downloadable music S

Diolch! Thanks!



Dolenni Gwisg.
Safweoedd allanol defnyddiol ar gyfer cynllunio ac adnewyddu gwisgoedd. 
Cywir 11/01/04 
Awgrymiadau/Cywiriadau i [email protected]

Costume Links. 
Useful external links for planning and renewing costume. Current 11/01/04 Suggestions/Corrections to
[email protected]

C=Cymraeg E=English C/E=Dwyieithog/Bilingual

Safwe Cymdeithas Gwenynen Gwent. Cyfoeth o wybodaeth ynghylch Arglwyddes Llanofer a'i dylanwad ar y Wisg Gymreig.

The website of the Llanover Society. A wealth of information regarding Augusta Hall, 1st Baroness Llanover and her infuence on the development of Welsh Costume.

Rhestr o wneuthurwyr clocsiau wedi ei llunio gyda help Trevor Owen - un o'r clocswyr sy wedi eu rhestru yma. E
Newcastle Cloggies

This is a list which was prepared with the help of Trefor Owen who is one of the clog makers listed here E
Newcastle Cloggies

"As I looked through the Dance Society site, I came across the list of Clogmakers. It was last updated in 1998! I have provided Newcastle Cloggies with a current list (summer last year) but as the trade is again going through substantial changes, I am about to re-write the list... it will be a lot shorter!"
Trefor Owen, clogmaker & President of the Morris Federation. ( oh and member of the Society!) 03/02/04

Tudalen hynod o gall gan un sy'n galw ei hun yn "ffwl y ddawns"

A surprisingly useful page from one who calls himself "the dance fool"

Gwisg merched o haenau is cymdeithas yn ystod yr unfed ganrif ar bymtheg a'r ail ganrif ar bymtheg. C

dress of women from the lower levels of society during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries E

Dull wisgoedd Cymru cyflwynedig i bendefigion a boneddigion y dywysogaeth. 
Augusta Hall (1802-1896) C

Cambrian costumes dedicated to the nobility and gentry of Wales
Augusta Hall (1802-1896) E 


Dolenni cyffredinol - Cymru

General links - Wales

Safwe Cymdeithas Gwenynen Gwent. Cyfoeth o wybodaeth ynghylch Arglwyddes Llanofer a'i dylanwad ar y Wisg Gymreig.

The website of the Llanover Society. A wealth of information regarding Augusta Hall, 1st Baroness Llanover and her infuence on the development of Welsh Costume.
Cymdeithas Gwenynen Gwent
The Lady Llanofer Society

Safwe Helen Forder ar Gwenynen Gwent

Helen Forder's site on  Gwenynen Gwent

Wales' Celtic Festival - Porthcawl - 27-29/2/2004
Derek Smith

Culture Wales 1 site of Welsh interest

Culture Wales 2 site of Welsh interest

Celtic Wales site of Welsh interest

Producing exciting and innovative resources for schools, BBC Wales, S4C and ACCAC

Eiry Palfrey & Maurice Hunter

Oslo Welsh Society                

Norway ( Oslo Welsh Society )

Gwyl Plant Cymru

Wales Children's Folk Dance Festival

Gwyl Plant Gwent

Gwent (South Wales) Children's Folk Dance Festival

Urdd Gobaith Cymru

The largest youth organisation and youth eisteddfod in Europe

Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru/Welsh National Library

Wales' National Libary site






Dolenni cyffredinol - y Byd

General links - the World

Safwe Thomas Green, ardal Leeds E

a mine of information about calling barn dances

Danish Folk Dance

Danish folk dance, costume and music + Swedish/Scandinavian

Library of Congress International search page.

Ritums Folk Dance Group, Latvia

Folk-dance group "RITUMS"

Webfeet - Dance contacts on the Web

Links around the world

International Folk Dancers of Ottawa, Canada

support and preservation of recreational folk-dancing in the Ottawa-Hull area.

Dance Grand Prix "Italia 2003"

International Folk Dance Society - Illinois, US

The Illini Folk Dance Society is a Student Organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

English Folk Dance and Song Society

"For over 100 years, the Society has acted to preserve and promote the traditional song and dance of England"

Welsh heritage week

Cymdeithas o'r UDA sy'n hyrwyddo ymwybyddiaeth o Gymreictod.
USA site that promotes Wales and all things Welsh

Safwe'n cynnig hyfforddiant i ymgymerwyr proffesiynol ym maes celfyddyd
Site offering training to those making a living from the arts


  Gwirwyd a diweddarwyd 01/12/03 Checked and updated