The Clog

The origin of wooden footwear is thought to be the Roman bath shoe, the purpose being to protect the wearers feet from the hot tiled floors. A pair of clogs were found in the tomb of an Italian king in the 10th century although its quite certain that they didn't bear any resemblance to what we call clogs in this country. Throughout the ages the clog has been a symbol of the working classes and shunned as a sign of poverty because it has always been a practical shoe and has never kept up with the fashion.

The Welsh people always had a pair of clogs for working week days and leather, best shoes for Sundays and that was at the beginning of this century. They style of the shoe and the type of wood used was dependant on the work of the wearer.

Workers on the fish wharves would have a leather flap to keep out splashing water and the miner would have a special clog called the Blucher Boot after the designer which had a low cut off heel so that he could easily slip it off if it was trapped. The workers in the warm-floored tin and steel works would have thick soles.

Cardigan people prided themselves on having durable Sycamore soled clogs while birch was preferred in Scotland. Birch was also preferred in the mining areas as it had a high resin and was more water resistant. With the industrial revolution came mechanisation and cheap shoes which hastened the decline of clogs in this country and although there was a short lived resurgence during the first world war leather shoes were fast pushing out the unstylish and heavy clog.

In 1901 there were 6276 recorded clog makers in Wales and England, by 1983 there was less than 40, and of these only 3 or 4 could actually produce a complete clog. But there is hope yet - apparently the fashion house Gucci is this year producing a line of wooden soled shoes. Who knows, perhaps clog dancing will be the dance of the next decade!!!